The DKMS school project
How can learning and social commitment be combined in a sustainable way? With the DKMS school project "Your type is needed"! DKMS imparts knowledge about blood cancer and stem cell donation and supports the actual realisation of a registration campaign at school.
There are many good reasons for taking part in the DKMS school project:
The project can be easily integrated into everyday school life and makes a lasting contribution to the sense of community in the school environment through the joint commitment of teachers and pupils. Pupils are strengthened in their personal responsibility and core social skills.
DKMS provides schools with modern, modular and curriculum-based teaching materials free of charge, which can be used in the natural and social sciences as well as in religion, ethics and German lessons. This offer is supplemented by two digital lessons focusing on "biology" and "social issues", which enable pupils to form their own judgements and engage in reflective discussions.
Information events organised by the DKMS team of speakers and personal testimonials from people who have already donated stem cells round off the offer for schools. These can take place digitally or on site.
By taking part in an internal school registration campaign, pupils assume social responsibility, experience their self-efficacy and, if interested, can register as potential stem cell donors with DKMS. More than 550,000 pupils have already taken part across Germany - over 6,600 of them have since been able to give a sick person a second chance at life with their stem cells. A great success!
Interested schools can obtain further information by e-mail ( or by calling the DKMS school team on 0221 940582-3505.
How can learning and social commitment be combined in a sustainable way? With the DKMS school project "Your type is needed"! DKMS imparts knowledge about blood cancer and stem cell donation and supports the actual realisation of a registration campaign at school.
There are many good reasons for taking part in the DKMS school project:
The project can be easily integrated into everyday school life and makes a lasting contribution to the sense of community in the school environment through the joint commitment of teachers and pupils. Pupils are strengthened in their personal responsibility and core social skills.
DKMS provides schools with modern, modular and curriculum-based teaching materials free of charge, which can be used in the natural and social sciences as well as in religion, ethics and German lessons. This offer is supplemented by two digital lessons focusing on "biology" and "social issues", which enable pupils to form their own judgements and engage in reflective discussions.
Information events organised by the DKMS team of speakers and personal testimonials from people who have already donated stem cells round off the offer for schools. These can take place digitally or on site.
By taking part in an internal school registration campaign, pupils assume social responsibility, experience their self-efficacy and, if interested, can register as potential stem cell donors with DKMS. More than 550,000 pupils have already taken part across Germany - over 6,600 of them have since been able to give a sick person a second chance at life with their stem cells. A great success!
Interested schools can obtain further information by e-mail ( or by calling the DKMS school team on 0221 940582-3505.

Hall 7.1 | B049
Das DKMS Schulprojekt „Dein Typ ist gefragt“ lässt sich unkompliziert in den Schulalltag integrieren und bietet Abwechslung im Unterricht. Interdisziplinäre Lehrmaterialien, digitale Lerneinheiten und Vorträge regen dazu an, sich mit den Themen Blutkrebs & soziales Engagement auseinanderzusetzen. Die Schüler:innen erwerben wichtige Schlüsselqualifikationen, erfahren Selbstwirksamkeit und übernehmen Verantwortung. Bei schulinternen Aktionstagen können sie sich als Stammzellspender:innen registrieren und so vielleicht einem an Blutkrebs erkrankten Menschen eine zweite Lebenschance schenken.