Cologne: 10.–14.03.2026 #didacta

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KlimaRatSchule | Exhibitor on the didacta 2024


Solare Zukunft e.V. (Freiburg), EUZ (Springe), IZT (Berlin) and Green City e.V. (Munich) are promoting effective climate protection in schools - in conjunction with vibrant democracy education. KlimaRatSchule promotes an active “climate protection culture” in school communities and enables students to develop and shape their own paths to a more climate-friendly future.

Using the method of micro-citizen reports for schools, students are involved in identifying and documenting greenhouse gas emissions in the areas of mobility, nutrition, procurement and energy.

A comprehensive and realistic climate protection action plan will be developed and subsequently implemented at the participating schools. Through the participation of the school community in the climate protection process, interest in (environmental) politics is promoted and the sense of responsibility is sharpened. The school designs its own climate protection concept based on consensus.

What is special about KlimaRatSchule is the method of the micro-citizen report (according to Scheffler/Hoedt), which was modified for schools by Solare Zukunft e.V. and has already been tested at two schools, also in response to the Fridays for Future movement. It is important to involve the students, but also the rest of the school community, in determining and prioritizing non-investment measures and voluntary commitment. The objectives are to reduce CO2 emissions from schools to a minimum in the long term and to establish a culture of climate protection and sustainability in schools. This supports the goals of education for sustainable development (ESD) and the “whole school approach”.
Lindwurmstr. 88
80337 München
Hall 7.1 | C054