Cologne: 10.–14.03.2026 #didacta

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The blue path to green Skills - Learning solutions for sustainable education and training | Exhibitor on the didacta 2024

The blue path to green Skills - Learning solutions for sustainable education and training

The pursuit of a more sustainable world is shaping today's workplace and redefining the requirements for professional competencies. Addressing global energy challenges requires high-quality technical education that stimulates and encourages innovation and efficiency.

Sustainability as a guiding principle

More and more organizations and companies are integrating sustainability into their strategic planning and implementing concrete methods to achieve specific goals of ecological sustainability, such as resource optimization, waste management, pollution prevention, and reducing the carbon footprint. To truly succeed, qualified workforce is needed who can apply and implement these methods and measures.

Environmentally-friendly competencies are relevant to all professions

Our wide range of training packages, learning systems, and factories enables learners to develop practical skills. A modular structure provides flexibility, while industrial components provide realism and durability. Digital tools facilitate laboratory work and deepen understanding. When these elements are integrated into the learning content, they contribute to a seamless, comprehensive, and relevant learning experience.
Rechbergstr. 3
73770 Denkendorf
Hall 6.1 | B010 D011