Cologne: 10.–14.03.2026 #didacta

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Learning Factory 4.0 CPS-i40® | Exhibitor on the didacta 2024

Learning Factory 4.0 CPS-i40®

In the modular, digital learning factory 4.0, all aspects of modern, future-oriented production are mapped using the latest technologies.

The production stations are fully networked. The automation standards Profinet, Profibus-DP and OPC-UA are used.
Data can be transferred to the cloud via an IIoT gateway. Optionally, MES software is available as an extension of the production plant. This interacts with the individual production segments via OPC-UA. The individual stations contain drive inverters or decentralized peripheral devices that are integrated via Profinet. IO-Link is also used for sensorics.

All stations have RFID read/write heads and can store the production data both on an RFID tag and on a server (e.g. OPC UA, SQL, ...).
Im Hüttental 11
85125 Kinding
Hall 6.1 | A020 B021