Cologne: 20.–24.02.2024 #didacta

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pib@school | Exhibitor on the didacta 2024


With pib@school, humanoid robots enter the classrooms and make future technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence tangible and exciting.

pib stands for printable intelligent bot and is a smart and humanoid robot that anyone can build and co-develop with the help of a 3D printer. Students can print, build and bring their own version of pib to life through programming or artificial intelligence in schools or educational institutions.

There are no limits to creativity. With its numerous features, pib offers various possible use cases like object detection, imitation of movements, motor training, and the use of language assistants via ChatGPT connection, which can be set up and used independently by young people. In addition to robotics and AI, students also learn interdisciplinary how various learning units from biology, physics, computer science and more work together and gain experience in project management and team building.

pib received the Digital Innovation Award from the City of Munich and the Civic Innovation Award from the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in 2023.
Ostendstr. 242
90482 Nürnberg
Hall 6.1 | B001