didacta 2024
Accreditation for journalists and creators

Three steps to your press ticket:
- New registration in Press Accreditation
- Input of personal data and upload of credentials
- Providing of the ticket in the Ticket Wallet of didacta and as PDF via e-mail
You can find the instructions as a PDF here.
Please note that it can take up to 20 minutes to issue the VRS ticket.
Please observe the accreditation guidelines of Koelnmesse GmbH.
The accreditation of journalists for the purpose of reporting on Koelnmesse GmbH events is governed by Koelnmesse GmbH’s
General Accreditation Guidelines for trade fairs in Germany, as described below.
We kindly ask all media representatives to observe these guidelines and seek accreditation in good time prior to the trade fair. An accreditation is granted solely for the purpose of journalistic reporting.
We are looking forward to your visit!