Stiftung Kinder forschen
Hall 8.1 | D041
Good early STEM-Education with the Little Scientists Foundation
The non-profit Stiftung Kinder forschen (Little Scientists Foundation) is Germany’s largest early childhood education initiative in the domains of science, technology, engineering/computer science, and mathematics (STEM). With an accompanying focus on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), the aim of the programme is to strengthen children for the future, provide them with important skills, and enable them to act in a sustainable way.Together with our local network partners, we provide a nationwide continuing professional development programme that supports pedagogical staff at early childhood education and care centres, after-school centres, and primary schools in facilitating the exploration, inquiry, and learning of children between the ages of three and ten.
To this end, Stiftung Kinder forschen improves educational opportunities, fosters interest in the domains of science, technology, computer science, and mathematics, and professionalises pedagogical staff.
Come and find us here: Halle 8.1 | Stand: D041 - We are happy to meet you!

Die Stiftung Kinder forschen stellt sich vor

Die Stiftung Kinder forschen stellt sich vor