Cologne: 10.–14.03.2026 #didacta

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SCHWARZ Computer Systeme GmbH | Exhibitor on the didacta 2024

SCHWARZ Computer Systeme GmbH

SCHWARZ Computer Systeme GmbH
Altenhofweg 2 a
92318 Neumarkt
Hall 6.1 | F080
Schul-IT made by SCHWARZ
SCHOOL IT & IT solutions made by SCHWARZ

SCHWARZ is a full-service provider and your contact for all IT equipment issues. We
have been supporting local authorities and schools for more than 30 years in all clarification processes, providing support in the professionalization of school IT areas and, as a long-standing expert for school and municipal digitization projects, also offer turnkey IT solutions.

Master plan for the schools of the future
Schools often have different levels of digital maturity, which need to be analyzed and understood. Accordingly, we take a step-by-step approach to digitalization by developing, planning and optimizing our 'individual master plan' with municipalities and schools:

✓ We develop IT infrastructure concepts that meet both the requirements and given framework conditions, and in which the issues of data protection and security are considered from the outset.

✓ We determine the scope of procurement and take care of the entire implementation: ordering, processing, installation of all systems, software and hardware, etc.

✓ We take over the IT management, i.e. the professional administration and support
support of the school IT infrastructures, either in the form of managed services or as an agile consulting unit for the IT officers

✓ We ensure the central, cross-operating system (Apple, Android, Windows) integration and administration of the systems via MDM end device management (also BYOD)

i-NET-Menue for the cashless school
i-NET-Menue is the internet-based, automatic (pre-)ordering, issuing, cash register and billing system for cashless billing and organization of school life. The i-NET-Menue modules cover all cost areas in school life and enable cashless billing and organization of lunches, school costs, childcare services and lockers.

SchulIT.Shop - Offers you hardware and software as well as solutions for (learning) robotics and VR a
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