Cologne: 10.–14.03.2026 #didacta

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SmartKids Academy ® - Petra Trautwein | Exhibitor on the didacta 2024

SmartKids Academy ® - Petra Trautwein

SmartKids Academy ® - Petra Trautwein
Königswieser Str. 81
82131 Gauting
Hall 8.1 | A045
SmartKids Academy® - discovering new ways of teaching for dedicated teachers
Petra Trautwein is the founder of the SmartKids Academy®. Her vision: "Children need self-confidence and the individual strategies to learn easily and successfully. When they discover their talents, they develop into strong personalities who take responsibility and live their talents and potential."
Despite being highly motivated, many teachers have the feeling that they are teaching "past the pupils" and not reaching them with their commitment to precisely such goals. The methods and content of their studies do not help here. They want other ways to increase their self-efficacy and to teach with joy and ease again. In addition to brain-friendly teaching and learning methods, strengthening strengths and developing potential, the topic of growth mindset is key to a new way of teaching.
In her training to become a SmartKids Coach®, learning expert Petra Trautwein therefore passes on her expertise in the areas of promoting potential, emotion coaching, growth mindset/motivation and learning coaching to committed teachers who are looking for a different perspective and new forms of teaching. They are given a well-stocked methodological toolbox with which they can regain the fun in their work and in supporting children in the areas of personal development and motivation. SmartKids Coaching® is a holistic, registered method, developed in almost 10 years of experience in coaching with hundreds of families and her own experience as a mother of three daughters with a wide variety of school experiences.

P. Trautwein is also the author of the bestseller "Raus aus dem Schulchaos", a mentor for families in school stress, gives lectures and inspires with her podcast "Sucess in scholl. Simply. Done." podcast and on social media every week. She is passionate about providing food for thought for a change of perspective on learning and school, always with a focus on pragmatic implementation.
Warum hohe Motivation und großes Engagment noch keinen guten Unterricht machen
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Warum hohe Motivation und großes Engagment noch keinen guten Unterricht machen
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