Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft Bundesinitiative IN FORM
Hall 7.1 | D039
Federal Center for Nutrition
The Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE) is the competence and communication center for nutrition issues in Germany.The BZfE
-provides clear, neutral and scientifically sound information on nutritional issues.
It emphasizes a lifestyle that benefits the health of the individual through sustainably produced food and exercise.
-provides orientation in the abundance of sometimes contradictory recommendations.
Because food is a very important, much-discussed and highly emotional topic of our time, and everyone has a say in it.
-gives impulses to shape one's own everyday eating habits and those of the family from pregnancy to old age.
It focuses on different target groups such as consumers, multipliers and experts.
The aim of the BZfE is to create an (even) better awareness in society of the importance of a balanced and sustainable diet and to provide consumers with support for a balanced and sustainable diet. A healthy diet must be easily accessible to everyone.
The BZfE is a department of the Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food and was founded in 2017 by decision of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

Der Ernährungsführerschein ist ein Baustein zur praktischen Ernährungsbildung in der dritten Klasse. Dieser kann von Lehrkräften im Regelunterricht umgesetzt werden – und das im eigenen Klassenzimmer!

Der Ernährungsführerschein ist ein Baustein zur praktischen Ernährungsbildung in der dritten Klasse. Dieser kann von Lehrkräften im Regelunterricht umgesetzt werden – und das im eigenen Klassenzimmer!