Cologne: 10.–14.03.2026 #didacta

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Deutscher Bildungsserver am DIPF | Exhibitor on the didacta 2024

Deutscher Bildungsserver am DIPF

Deutscher Bildungsserver am DIPF
Rostocker Str. 6
60323 Frankfurt
Hall 7.1 | C050
The German Education Server – an Internet Guide
Deutscher Bildungsserver (German Education Server, or Eduserver) is the focal internet guide to educationally relevant information in Germany. It provides fundamental and high quality internet-based information- Eduserver enables quick, up-to-date, concise and free access to information. As a meta-server Eduserver refers to resources on the German education system, which are mainly provided by the federal government (Bund) and states (Länder) authorities, the European Union, higher education institutions, schools, state institutes, relevant societies and organisations, media providers and libraries. The German Education Server is jointly provided by the federal government (Bund) and the states (Länder).

Eduserver covers a broad scope of thematic areas ranging from early childhood education and care to vocational education and training, university studies and educational policy matters to education worldwide.

Users can keep informed about new items on the German Education Server or their special interests by a biweekly German language newsletter and the English language RSS Newsfeed. Moreover, users can search for a job or post an application in the job exchange, Stellenmarkt Bildung (jobs in education), operated in co-operation with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft(German Society for Education Science). A simple search option enables users to search across the entire pool of databases, while an advanced search option allows for the selection of particular databases.

The Eduserver co-operates with various partner portals on the Internet: a shared job structure and editorial collaborations have been established with the Länder education servers. Partner gateways enhance the services provided by the Eduserver.
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